
    Orientamento UniNa

    Design, development, testing of aerospace systems and technologies

    A brief overview of the course

    The Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering aims to train engineers for a highly competitive and interdisciplinary international context, with a high technological content and in constant evolution, forming a versatile professional figure of the engineer, able to adapt to highly qualified and rapidly evolving production realities̶.
    Integrating and complementing the knowledge acquired in the first level courses, the student will acquire a solid and in-depth training in specific cultural areas such as fluid dynamics, flight mechanics, aerospace structures and technologies, aerospace equipment and systems, and aerospace propulsion.

    Specific educational objectives relate to the ability to analyse, design and manage innovative systems, processes and services; to design, conduct and simulate experiments. The ability to solve complex problems with a multidisciplinary approach makes the Master of Engineering particularly attractive and in high demand on the labour market. Solid methodological, scientific and technical knowledge, as well as systems and technological skills, enable the graduate to combine basic knowledge with specific professionalisation skills. Students will also acquire transversal communication, relational, organisational, management and planning skills. You will be given the opportunity to familiarise yourself with basic concepts useful for understanding the regulatory constraints that limit engineering activity, providing tools for more informed interaction with the professional world.

    It is emphasized that the preparation of the master aerospace engineer has a high interdisciplinary character, such that the new graduate can also enhance the specificity of his or her knowledge in other areas of engineering or the world of research.
    The course of study is active in the Department of Industrial Engineering (http://www.dii.unina.it), which is attached to the Polytechnic School of Engineering and Basic Sciences (http://www.scuolapsb.unina.it).
    Teaching activities are carried out at the engineering sites located in the western part of Naples, between Fuorigrotta and Bagnoli.


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