Extramoenia Internship

    To carry out an EXTRAMOENIA INTERNSHIP at an italian/foreigner company/organization, the student must contact a professor, who will later assume the role of university tutor of the internship.

    Two cases may occur:

    1. The company/organization does not already have the “Agreement” governing the Training Projects (check the list available (Elenco Convenzioni di Tirocinio Curriculare Attive on the University website. So, the Company/Organization, with the advice of the university tutor (who assumes the role of Reference professor), has to stipulate the “Agreement”, according to the following steps:
      1. Fill, with the collaboration of the Tutor, the sections of the template related to the host company/organization (including the tutor's data and the planning of the internship activities - duration, objectives, and methods);
      2. The “Agreement” proposal is then sent from the Company/Organization via PEC to the Dept. of Industrial Engineering (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) The “Agreement should be digitally signed in p7m format (IMPORTANT: please include in the text of the email message the name of the University's Referent professor, i.e. the university tutor). Alternatively, the Company/Organization can send by ordinary mail the “Agreement” in paper form (with the original stamp and signature of the Company/Organization representative) to the Department of Industrial Engineering, P. le Tecchio 80, Naples. Please refer to the attention of Mrs. Brigida Stanziano. The process for the following signature by the Rector of Federico II University takes about 14 days.
      3. Wait until the list of active conventions is updated and then go to step
    2. The Company/Organization already has an active internship “Agreement” (or it has just been approved by following the procedure described in the previous point A).
      In this case, it is possible to compile the "Training Project" on the platform Collabora by clicking on the icon: "Student Internships".
      1. The student, with the collaboration of the university tutor and in agreement with the company/Organization, fills the sections related to the host company/department/structure, the tutor's data, and the planning of the internship activities (duration, objectives, and methods of implementation).
      2. Once the above compilation is completed, the university tutor receives a notification of the internship requested by e-mail and, hence, approves it.
      3. The student prints the completed "Training Project” and ensures that it is then signed (adding the stamp) by the person who is responsible for Company/Organization (e.g., the person in charge to sign – the document CAN NOT be signed by the Company tutor).
      4. The "Training Project”, printed and authenticated by the company, is finally sent by the student to the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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